Changing Bulbs | Part 2 of 3

11 May, 2012 § 1 Comment

Chronological scaffolding is when what I write reflects who I have been reading. The chronological scaffolding of your work is like the ladder that changes the light bulb that shines a brighter light on your work for your reader’s/viewers benefit. It is the chair that gives a leg up to those who are a little too short to reach the top shelf without a little help. In essence: it is your favorite authors, poets, screen writers, directors, painters, sculptors and so on and so forth. Of the two kinds of scaffolding, chronological scaffolding is the kind that you do not mind to see as you are walking through the halls of a fine establishment, because you know it means that due diligence has been made to ensure a quality outcome.

Next Friday: Mechanical Scaffolding

Don’t forget to read the first in the triology: Intro to Scaffolding

On Histories

17 April, 2012 § Leave a comment

After a war the victor sits in his cushioned armchair, pale from the bloodletting that preserves his idea of peace and prosperity. What was necessary for preservation is as good as done; therefore he writes the wrongs in retrospect–chronicling victories and assaying the  events in what light he will.

In any light, our’s is a history of violence.

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